Platinum Private Coaching

The Secret Top-Performing Mortgage Professionals Swear Builds Their Success In ANY Market…

If you’re a branch manager, loan originator, regional leader, or independent mortgage broker…  And you need consistent results (despite today’s highly volatile market) you NEED to see this!

There’s only one difference between high-performing producers and those who would like to be.  So what do top performers have that you don’t?

And when you have the same resources that top performers have… you could easily outperform the benchmarks you’ve set in as little as 3 months. Ready to find out how easily you could increase your production right now?

Discover Your Step-By-Step Plan For Achieving ALL Of Your Goals In Any Market!

During your in-depth strategy call, you’ll be matched with a high-performance mortgage coach…

A professional hand-picked from the most elite coaching program in the mortgage industry…

Someone who’s already put the systems and leadership practices you need in place.

And on your brief 30-minute strategy call, your coach will evaluate your current business, team, challenges, and goals.  In the strictest of confidence, they will dig deep with you to…

Then your coach will help you identify the one shift you can make right now to quickly move you closer to where you want to be.

When the call ends, you’ll have a custom step-by-step plan, tailor-made for your business… So you’re prepared and increasing production no matter what the market throws at you!

And you can start this discussion immediately for free by booking your free strategy call today.

Get Custom-Matched with a Coach With Experience In Your Exact Revenue Model

So You Can Increase Your Production In ANY Market!

More Than Just “By The Book” Mortgage Industry Tactics!

Meet The Head Coach That Helps Mortgage Professionals 2X and 3X Their Production…

Hi, my name is Cindy Ertman.

Founder of The Defining Difference and both Mortgage Mastermind Elite and Millionaire Mortgage Club.

Over the last 10 years, I’ve been helping hundreds of driven mortgage professionals just like you double, even triple their production.

But I’m not just a coach…

Before I began mentoring, I spent 20 wonderful years creating my legacy in the mortgage industry.

I spent over a decade on Mortgage Originator Magazine’s list of Top 100 Mortgage Loan Originators…

Five years on Mortgage Executive Magazine’s list of Top 100 Most Influential Mortgage Executives in America…

I built high-impact teams, grew my personal production to over $200M annually…

And I discovered something early in my career


Quickly becoming a top-performing mortgage professional doesn’t just happen!

You can hustle all you want… Work all the hours you can squeeze in… But it won’t make you a top performer.

If all it took to be successful was hard work EVERYONE WOULD BE DOING $200M IN PRODUCTION!

See, there is a secret that I discovered the hard way…

Anyone can become a top performer using a strategy that works.

Get Custom-Matched with a Coach Who Knows Your Revenue Model Thoroughly

The problem is no one is teaching mortgage professionals what steps to take.

And my goal this year is to help 100 more driven mortgage professionals…

  • Prepare for the biggest shift the market has EVER seen
  • Build a strong team and transform them into production machines
  • Double or triple their personal production right now
  • Grow from no market presence into a thriving branch immediately
  • Accomplish all of their goals while creating a low-stress, seven-figure lifestyle while living life on their own terms!
  • And create their desired success in this high-interest-rate, volatile market!

So I’ve assembled a team of hand-picked, equally seasoned professionals to help you…

To give you proven production strategies that WILL increase your profitability and build sustainable businesses in low-volume markets…

And break everything down into simple, specific action steps that will accelerate your business or career.

That way no matter what you have questions about:

  • Technology upgrades
  • Marketing strategies that are recession-proof
  • Better qualified borrowers
  • Increased margins
  • Lower cost of production
  • The ability to compete with online lenders
  • Or simply more confidence to lead your origination team to success

Your personal coach can help you identify what needs to be done… what changes need to be made, and… Help you put your custom solution into place.

That way you get the result you’re looking for and are free to enjoy your career again… By creating the kind of work-life balance that’s exceptional for people at your level.

And all you have to do to get started is…

Now, I know you’re a capable and smart mortgage professional. So, I’m sure you’re wondering…

Why I’m Offering You A Free Coaching Call

I’ve been in the mortgage industry for nearly 30 years.  And in that time I’ve seen multiple market shifts…

Twice in my career, I’ve seen lenders close their doors, laying off hundreds of mortgage professionals…  Simply because they didn’t know how to react when the market changed.

And I have to say…

The market we’re in right now is far worse than anything I’ve seen before!

Every day, thousands of mortgage professionals are being laid off… Reluctantly forced to find a new job, to return to retail, restaurants, and construction just to make ends meet.

The worst part is, any mortgage professional could easily create success in this changing market. if they knew how to prepare for it.

Now, the mortgage industry has done so much for me… It’s empowered me to create the life of my dreams, so…

I couldn’t sit back and just watch mortgage professionals lose their businesses, income, and dreams.  Not when I knew I could do something about it!

See, there is a reason top performers still thrive in recessions.

…Something they know that most mortgage professionals NEVER figure out…

They see the change and they prepare.

And that’s what this free call will help you do.

This free call will give you the next few steps in your business.  That way you’re ready to expand into the market shift!

Because the truth is…


In fact, you can easily double, even triple your production no matter how the market changes!

But every business, system, and process is different…

So are the problems and solutions.

You won’t identify yours by just reading books, taking courses, or watching YouTube content.

But in as little as 10 minutes with an experienced mortgage industry leader…

You can quickly identify one thing that will skyrocket your production and ensure your success in ANY market!

But I don’t want you to just take MY word for it…

What do mortgage professionals just like you are saying about Cindy Ertman’s private coaching experience…

My coaching experience has been a life altering event. I increased my production by over 30% and closed over $100M in my first year. Today my production is in excess of $200M. I am working fewer hours, have become a true leader to my team, and have been able to identify my “value” proposition for myself, my team, and my life.


Branch Manager, United American Mortgage

I wanted to be coached by a top producer and someone who has a different take on coaching. Cindy is a force of nature, and she’s walked the walk. She doesn’t just focus on tactics. She also focuses on you the person: how to take care of yourself in a high-stress environment and still produce at a very high level. I have doubled my production and see it growing year after year.


Senior Loan Advisor, Fairway Independent Mortgage

It’s not about making more money. It’s about changing your life. It’s not about the things you do.  It’s about who you become. I’ve never known anybody who finds those trigger points that change somebody, [but] what I see Cindy do with people over and over is create those quantum changes. She changes who you are and takes you to the next level—not just as an originator, but as a person.


Digital Mortgage Marketer

You Can Achieve Outstanding Growth, Exceptional Lifestyle Upgrades, And Substantial Results Even In This Volatile Market…

For the past few years low rates, qualified buyers, and easy closings made your job easy… And just about ANYONE could gain momentum. 

But now, the market has completely flipped!

Competition from online lenders has become intense…

Rising rates and consumer debt mean cash-out refi’s are a thing of the past…

Simply put, it’s getting harder to close loans

And most of the mortgage industry is asking themselves, “where have all the leads gone?”

But imagine how much your numbers would improve if you could overcome even just one of these market realities…

If you could implement a system and strategy that has been proven to work even in high-interest-rate environments.

Imagine what it could be like to stop worrying about the market, and free yourself up to focus on:

Building YOUR Success Is Possible No Matter How The Market Changes!


And I want to show you how!  It starts with just one simple action…

Book Your Free Strategy Call and Start Creating the Lifestyle Upgrades and Professional Results You Want

You Could Soon Be Enjoying Personal and Professional Success Like This:

I was able to refine my recruiting efforts to grow my branch from 2 to 12 LOs in less than a year!

I think if I hadn’t made this investment in myself I’d still be doing the same old thing. I think we ask for change, we visualize it, but we don’t know how to really get there. Coaching with The Defining Difference truly helped me lay out the path in front of me and be held accountable to my goals.

RE Loan Originator / Sales
Financial Planners Credit Union

Today I’m up $20M over last year in a challenging market!

After 42 years in the mortgage business, I couldn’t break the $40M mark no matter what I did. Within the first year of coaching, my production increased to $58M. In the second year, I hit $132M, serving more than 700 families. Today I’m up $20M over last year in a challenging market!

[Cindy] has transformed my leadership, my business, and my life.

Mortgage Loan Officer
Texas Tech Credit Union


My life would not be anywhere close to where it is financially and I’ve seen a trajectory I never thought was possible.

I came to a point in my career where ‘I didn’t know what I didn’t know’. [My coach] helped me build a team so I could continue to grow. Now everyone is in place, happy, operating within their skill sets and we are humming like a well-oiled machine. I was also able to find work-life balance by setting clear non-negotiables.


Branch Partner
Alcova Mortgage

Kym Mason

I’ve elevated my leadership abilities. I’m now able to show up as the leader that I always wanted to be. It has influenced my branch results significantly in such a positive way – the way I show up for my LOs, how I lead them from the heart and help them become the best version of themselves. This has been the most valuable coaching I’ve ever received.


Area Manager
Cornerstone Home Lending


I’ve been in various coaching programs. TDD Coaching has taught me how to be intentional in my business and my personal life. Cindy teaches from the heart, putting the pieces together and helping you get to your ‘why’ faster. My coaching experience has taught me to be more grateful for all that I have, to be more present as a dad and husband, and a leader. It’s also taught me to aim higher in my goals, to remove limitations in my mindset and believe that my most ambitious goals are possible.


Producing Branch Manager,
Cherry Creek Mortgage

Had such a big impact on my life overall I feel more empowered to live my life and my dream with courage and I’m motivated to take on the world! Coaching with TDD has helped me find a new direction for my business. I have become a better leader with more vision, which has enabled me to hire better LOs and provide a better product for my clients.


Prime Mortgage

Book a Free Strategy Call and Meet the Coach Who’ll Help You Create the Exceptional Income and Lifestyle You Want

Don’t wait to get started. Because these outstanding professionals are actively working in the mortgage industry right now—today—the hours they have available to coach are extremely limited. Booking a free strategy call is the only way to get matched with the coach who can best focus on your unique challenges and goals.

For those looking to achieve the next level of success, Cindy is the woman to follow. Cindy sees the golden essence in people and is able to help each person identify their unique gifts. She is a master at developing techniques and strategies on how to bring that gift forth in the world to move from a life of status quo to a life of greatness and purpose. Cindy is the hero of her own life – both personally and professionally – and she is dedicated to teaching others how to make intentional choices to do the same.


Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
and The Success Principles

Jack Canfield
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